Four roundtable meetings were conducted in the Syrian Center for Policy Research during three days between 28 and 30 January 2013. The first meeting included members from steering committee of SCPR in addition to a number of socioeconomic experts. The second meeting included academic members, the third one conducted with the media, and the fourth meeting with members from government entities. These meetings aimed to discuss the “Socioeconomic roots and impact of the Syrian Crisis” that was launched by SCPR. Moreover, the meetings were an attempt to open a dialogue between experts on the roots and impact of the crisis in order to come up with mutual vision and alternative solutions. The report is considered as a first step in the process of building development alternative at national level.

Meeting brief:

at the beginning, the Syrian Society for Culture and Knowledge and the SCPR were introduced in terms of motivations, objectives, team work, legal status, finance and funding, and the mechanism through which the Society and SCPR remain independent. Thereafter, the “Socioeconomic roots and impact of the Syrian Crisis” report was presented in three stages, the first one focused on the roots of the crisis, the second one covered the socioeconomic impact of the crisis, and the third stage highlighted on the government responses and sanctions impact on Syria. At the end, the “Crisis in Syria: Alternative Solutions” project was presented in brief as a national, participatory, and independent project aiming to build and evaluate alternatives to overcome the current crisis in Syria. All participants in the four meetings provided valuable comments and suggestions that reflect their different backgrounds, and that are very useful for the process of developing alternative solutions.

Location Syrian Center for Policy Researc

Date 28 – 30 January 2013

Theme economic, social, institutional

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