Workshop on Economic Pillar

A number of economic experts have met in the 26th of August 2012 at the Syrian Center for Policy Research to discuss the economic pillar of the crisis. This meeting was a part of the “technical phase” for the “Syrian Crisis: Alternative Solutions” project. This phase intended to engage several experts in a dialogue about the crisis roots and impact in order to come up with mutual vision and alternatives to overcome the crisis. This meeting aimed to identify and analyze the economic factors underlying the crisis, in addition to measure the crisis impact on the national economic. The outcomes of this meeting could be used to reach the optimal alternative to overcome the crisis taking into consideration the current and desired future of the Syrian economy.

Meeting brief

at the beginning, the SCPR was introduced in terms of motivations, objectives, team work, legal status, finance and funding, and the mechanism through which SCPR maintain its independency. Thereafter, the “Crisis in Syria: Alternative Solutions” project was presented as a national, participatory, and independent project aiming to build and evaluate alternatives to overcome the current crisis in Syria. Additionally, economic roots and impact of the crisis was presented, and then the participants provided valuable comments and suggestions. Finally, the participants discussed and built a matrix of the economic policies priorities to overcome the crisis.

Location Syrian Center for Policy Researc
Date August 26, 2012
Theme economic

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