About the initiative:

An independent research-based initiative implemented in coordination between the Lebanese Economic Association (LEA) and the Syrian Centre for Policy Research (SCPR) aims at encountering negative sentiments against refugees in Lebanon and encouraging policy reforms that protect their rights.

Our vision is Refugees live in social cohesion with their host communities, and are included in socioeconomic planning, with their rights perceived and protected.

Our Mission

To enhance the protection of the rights of refugees in Lebanon through advocacy, social activism and calls for policy reforms. Through:

  • Improve awareness about refugees in Lebanon through innovative research, mainly on the impact of Syrian refugees on the Lebanese economy.
  • Promote an inclusive socioeconomic environment by creating a counter-narrative on rights and protection of the Syrian refugees.
  • Raise awareness about the refugee access to labour markets, their rights and obligations, and challenges and opportunities.
  • Develop an online and offline positive media campaign using research findings to reach out the public at large, opinion leaders, and activists.

Project Objectives

  • Support policy reforms and governance frameworks to provide refugees fair access to labor markets and opportunities.
  • Support domestic and international policies that encourage civil rights, diversity and socioeconomic justice for all citizens.
  • Protect socioeconomic rights of refugees in Lebanon.
  • Stand up against informal employment and child labor by supporting job creation and employability of Syrian refugees and Lebanese citizens.
  • Advocate for partnership, coordination and social cohesion between refugees and host communities.

For more information about the project please visit the website http://refugees-partners.org/


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